The Bigfoot Trail Alliance Board of Directors met October 20-21, 2017 at Rock Creek Ranch in Del Norte County–right on the trail. We revisited our 2017 goals, set goals for 2018, and planned for the future. Below is a summary of our discussions.

Meeting Highlights and Goals
- Public Relations
- Highlight hikers – Let us know if you hike the trail HERE.
- Highlight shorter hikes and weekend trips
- Reach out to hikers to share photos of them on trail and hikes they did.
- We plan to double our trail work efforts in 2018
- June 15th-20th on the South Kelsey Trail — Gunbarrel to Baldy!
- Planning for work in the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness
- Support Forest Service
- Over 400 hours contributed to trail work on the Six Rivers in 2017
- Non-funded Cost Share Agreement
- In the works with Region 5, should be in place by early 2018
- Signage needs to be ramped up in key areas (Canyon Creek, Ides Cove, Hayfork, Siskiyous)
- BFTA membership (66 members as of October 2017) — thanks for your support!

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