Welcome to the Board!
Terri Vroman Little’s first taste of backpacking and working in wilderness was at age 15 with the YCC in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She later migrated to California and the CCC where she earned a spot with the Backcountry Trails Program in Kings Canyon National Park. Since that season, Terri worked on trail crews, cooked for crews, and continues to visit crews to teach wilderness ethics with the CCC/Americorps Backcountry Trails Program. She is a Montessori teacher and founder of Redwood Coast Montessori, a public charter school.
Terri and her husband Bryan have taken many backpacking trips with their four children. From the days of packing out poopy diapers to the days of helping them pack all their own gear, ensuring children spend significant time in wilderness is part of what she and Bryan believe helps make good grown ups.
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