Birds along the Bigfoot Trail* from 6/13/09-7/7/09
*only the inland birds…no birds from the last mile along the Pacific Ocean
great blue heron | western screech-owl | olive sided-flycatcher | mountain chickadee | European starling | white-crowned sparrow |
Canada goose | great horned owl | western wood-pewee | chestnut-backed chickadee | orange-crowned warbler | Bullock’s oriole |
mallard | common nighthawk | dusky flycatcher | bushtit | nashville warbler | western meadowlark |
hooded merganser | common poorwill | Hammond’s flycatcher | white-breasted nuthatch | yellow arbler | red-winged balckbird |
turkey vulture | belted kingfisher | pacific-slope flycatcher | red-breasted nuthatch | Townsend’s warbler | Brewer’s blackbird |
cooper’s hawk | white-throated swift | black phoebe | brown creeper | Black-throated gray warbler | red crossbill |
sharp-shinned hawk | Vaux’s swift | ash-throated flycatcher | Bewick’s wren | hermit warbler | evening grosebeak |
red-shouldered hawk | Anna’s hummingbird | western kingbird | winter wren | yellow-rumped warbler | house finch |
red-tailed hawk | Calliope’s hummingbird | Cassin’s vireo | house wren | MacGillivary’s warbler | purple finch |
osprey | Allen’s hummingbird | warbling vireo | rock wren | Wilson’s warbler | Cassin’s finch |
golden eagle | norther flicker | Stellar’s jay | American dipper | yellow-breasted chat | lesser goldfinch |
bald eagle | acorn woodpecker | scrub jay | wrentit | western tanager | American goldfinch |
American kestrel | whited-headed woodpecker | gray jay | golden-crowned kinglet | lazuli bunting | pine siskin |
peregrine falcon | Lewis’s woodpecker | Clark’s nutcracker | ruby-crowned kinglet | black-headed grosebeak | house sparrow |
ruffed grouse | downy woodpecker | American crow | blue-gray gnatcatcher | spotted towhee | |
sooty grouse | hairy woodpecker | common raven | mountain bluebird | green-tailed towhee | |
California quail | white-headed woodpecker | tree swallow | western bluebird | chipping sparrow | |
mountain quail | pileated woodpecker | violet-green swallow | Townsend’s solitaire | grasshopper sparrow | |
spotted sandpiper | red-breasted sapsucker | rough-winged swallow | varied thrush | fox sparrow | |
rock dove | barn swallow | American robin | song sparrow | ||
band-tailed pigeon | cliff swallow | Swainson’s thrush | dark eyed junco | ||
mourning dove | oak titmouse | hermit thrush | Lincoln’s sparrow |