Connecting Klamath Mountain Communities The Klamath Mountains, a world biodiversity hotspot, is providing a laboratory to engage local elementary, middle, and high school students in hands-on learning about their home region. The Project is providing K-12 environmental education curriculum and field experiences to rural schools across the Klamath Mountains. The project team has built relationships […]
Eight Days in the Siskiyous
In 2019, the Bigfoot Trail Alliance received a Rose Foundation grant to fund work on the South Kelsey Trail in the Siskiyou Wilderness. We recruited 12 graduate CCC Backcountry Corpsmembers through a letter writing campaign. Once the letters were received, we sent letters back to the corpsmembers notifying them that they had been accepted into […]
Kelsey Trail Collaborative
The South Kelsey Trail was first designated as a National Recreation Trail in 1979, but was used by early miners between 1855-1880 as a route between Crescent City and Fort Jones and other inland mines in the Klamath River region and Yreka. Along with the Old Kelsey Trail, the South Kelsey is a key portion […]
Two weeks of summer trail work announced
We are excited to announce two Bigfoot Trail work events this summer. Just sign up to reserve your spot and we will keep you up to date on the details of our time in the wilderness. June 15-20, 2018 Siskiyou Wilderness: South Kelsey Trail Brush Out June 24-30, 2018 Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness Brush […]
Jeff Morris
Jeff Morris, a 5th generation Trinity County resident, started backpacking with his parents and grandparents in the Trinity Alps Wilderness (then Primitive Area) when he was 5 years old. Over the next 13 years his family and many others advocated for the beloved Alps to be protected through the Wilderness designation that they eventually received […]
Introducing a new regional trail
Recently, confusion has arisen with respect to the Bigfoot Trail and another proposed route in the region. The Bigfoot Trail is not the Siskiyou Peaks Trail, also known as the Seven Summits of the Siskiyous Trail, even though the logo crafted for the Siskiyou Summit Trail route has a giant Bigfoot silhouette on it.
Terri Vroman Little
Terri Vroman Little joined the Board of Directors for the Bigfoot Trail Alliance in the summer of 2017. She has worked extensively with backcountry trails programs across the US and brings a unique skill set to the board.
2017 Board Retreat
The Bigfoot Trail Alliance Board of Directors met October 20-21, 2017 at Rock Creek Ranch in Del Norte County–right on the trail. We revisited our 2017 goals, set goals for 2018, and planned for the future.