Snow in the high country is rapidly melting with the warm weather that has moved into the Klamath Mountains. So it is time to start the early stages of trail stewardship along the Bigfoot Trail. Below is a list of updates and plans that are forming for this work. June 12th we will be climbing […]
Emily Sinkhorn
Welcome to the board! Emily Sinkhorn has a passion for all things trails, forests and community. Since moving to the northwest in 2004, her favorite places to roam have been the less-traveled forests and streams of the Klamath Mountains and Oregon Coast Range. Emily works with the non-profit Redwood Community Action Agency, collaborating to further active […]
Maya Conrad
Business Partner Profile: Coldwell Bankers How did you hear about the Bigfoot Trail? I initially heard about the BFT through social media then realized two of my friends, Rees Hughes and Chris Turner were on your board too. Why did you choose to become a business partner with the Bigfoot Trail Alliance? I love the idea of establishing […]
Citizen Science and Climate Change
We have been funded by the Rose Foundation! The Climate Change and Citizen Science Along the Bigfoot Trail project will establish a series of six citizen-maintained photographic plots along the trail. This grant-funded project will establish a baseline for monitoring climate change, create a citizen science experience for trail users, and develop a deeper sense of place […]